VLX5 Special Selection from our Friends Vittorio Caratozzolo & Class 2 A (2022-23) in Giacomo Bresadola” Middle School Trento, IT – Little Anonymous Mobile Phone Users
The mobile phone maniacs start their careers very young…
Our works were created during indoor or outdoor school teaching activities, sometimes as homeworks (editing texts, recording audio contributions). Everyone contributed according to his/her abilities and interests. Among the educational purposes: shared address; discussion of the script, co-written and agreed; the staging of the scenes and materials; sharing of audio-video editing choices (by the teacher), criticism and correction of the final product. Students in (next) class 3A (middle school/1st grade) are about to start their third year of cine-activities, probably the last for them and their teacher-dreamer.
Our main intention has been and still is to share our works, opinions and worldviews with as many people as possible.
-Vittorio Caratozzolo
VLX Q&A with Vittorio Caratozzolo
1)Introduce yourself (what do you do and why? If you’ve participated in our Q&A before…what’s new?)
Never participated before. I’m a simple middle school – 1 grade teacher, project manager in a middle school -1 grade class of wonderful little filmmakers.
2)What is the best advice you’ve ever received? Did you take it?
I never lose: I either win or I learn. So we had many “not selected”, but never gave up.
3)Where was the idea for your Film born? Discuss your process.
We always stay with our eyes riveted on the screen… so we decided to show this addiction.
4)Talk about your collaborative process. How does it influence your work?
It’s essential. Cooperative work is THE REAL ESSENCE in school activities .
5)What advice do you have for kids just getting started in Film, Music, the Arts?
Fall in love with it, suddenly!